Eco-Friendly Makeup Brands
Today I was doing some research on makeup brands that are eco-friendly and organic. When it comes to makeup the packaging is mostly plastic and as we know it’s harmful to our environment, but we also need to take into consideration that makeup has chemicals like parabean and other harmful chemicals that is damaging to the environment and to us. I came across this young lady’s YouTube, Isabel Montes states: “There is currently no zero waste makeup brand.”With many women and young ladies are using makeup on daily basis I hope makeup brands can find a way to become more sustainable.
What I found helpful in this video, Isabel Montes shares the different brands that are cruelty free, vegan, organic and eco friendly. It seems like she really had to dig to find some of these brands that are eco-friendly because these are names that are not obvious, so I can see how it can be hard to find brands like that compare to bigger brands like Sephora since they advertise themselves much more compare to these small brands. If you want to find out more about what brands you can use, please click and watch the video. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!